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  • Japanese

Setting Joint Administrators of Classes

Setting joint administrators enables the authority to use certain class-related features to be assigned to faculty members and students.

Operating Procedure

  1. Click on (1) People for each course menu.
  2. Click on (2) [+ People].
  3. Select the type of ID to be registered with (3).If the [SISID] for the person to be registered has been selected, enter the ID number for that person in (4) (recommended) . Enter xxxx@keio.jp (Keio ID) as the [E-mail Address] selection.
    Select [共同担当者] in (5) [Role], and then click on (6) [Next].
    If additional information is needed on positions and authorities outside of [共同担当者 / Joint Administrators], this can be checked on [Authority Settings by Position Categories].
  4. The name of the member to be registered will be displayed in (7), so check this to make sure there are no problems, and then click on (8) [Add User] to add that member.
  5. If it is not possible to add a member after following the procedures listed from 1., contact us with the use of the inquiry form.
    Canvas LMS Inquiry Entry Form

List of Authority Settings by Position Categories

Function Teacher 共同担当者 TA
Web Conference

Analyses only denied
Course Setup Operation of course contents
and files permitted
Operation of course contents
and files permitted
Operation of course contents
and files permitted
Course (subject)
Add/Delete Users
Edit/View Grades
Restrictions on some viewing
Cannot be viewed after the semester ends

Restrictions on some viewing
Cannot be viewed after the semester ends
Learning Result Operations ×

Last-Modified: February 27, 2023

The content ends at this position.