About the list of Contacts
The list of contacts is initially set to register "Contacts" "Frequently contacted" and "Merge & fix". The following applies to each.
People whose contact information you registered are automatically added to this list. -
Frequently contacted
People you often chat with or exchange emails with in Google Workspace(formerly G Suite) of Gmail are automatically added to this list. -
Merge & fix
If you have duplicate listings for the same person in Google Contacts, you can merge them. You can't merge contacts that are saved in different Google Accounts.

Fig. 1 the list of Contacts
You can also create groups of your own, in addition to these. You can store any contact information you like in a group.
Continue to explanation about Registering from Other Contacts.
Return to Google Contacts Users Manual for explanations about other features.
Last-Modified: August 26, 2022
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