Warning: About the Phishing mail
We have found some emails(phishing mails) trying to collect people's authentication information.
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: "support@microsoft-securityprotection-support.com"
To: <xxx@xxx.xxxx.xx.xx>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:49:59 +0100
Subject: ご注意!!OFFICEのプロダクトキーが不正コピーされています。
今すぐ認証 <http://microsoft-securityprotection-support.com/>
- ライセンス認証(マイクロソフトプロダクトアクティベーション)とは、不正コピーを防止するための技術で、手続きは、短時間で簡単に実行できます また、この手続きは匿名で行われるので、お客様の個人情報は保護されております。
--------------------- Original Message Ends ----------------
To these kind of emails, please make sure that you should not reply to it, or should not access to the mentioned URL. A third party might be trying to collect your authentication information. Once they got it, there are possibilities of your E-mail addresses to be misused or your private information to be leaked. Furthermore you might find your self involved in a crime.
To prevent things to happen, please be aware.
Last-Modified: January 12, 2017
The content ends at this position.