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IMAP setup example for Mac Mail


The contents shown here have been confirmed to operate under the following environment.
Device: MacBook Air
OS: Mac OS Ventura (Ver.13.4)
Mail Ver. 16.0 (standard email software)
Please perform the following procedure.

Procedure 1: Setting under Gmail

  1. Log into the Gmail, and then click the gear icon in the top right corner.

  2. Click "See all settings".

  3. Click "Forwarding and POP/IMAP".

  4. Turn on "Enable IMAP" in "IMAP Access", then click "Save Changes".

Procedure 2: Setting up in Mac Mail software.

  1. Click the [Mail] icon in the Dock at the bottom of the desktop.

  2. Click "Mail" at the top of the screen, then "Add account".

  3. Select "Google", then click "Continue"

  4. Enter your Keio ID.

  5. Enter the ID and password you used to log into the keio.jp portal and click "Login".

  6. Select "Mail", then click "Complete"
    This completes the setup.

Perform an email send/receive test.

Revision History

2015/04/08: First created
2023/06/23: SSO settings

Last-Modified: June 23, 2023

The content ends at this position.